25 Writing Prompts and Tips to Get You Writing

Gather Your Poetry Writing Tools
1. Notebooks, paper, post it notes, card, sketchbooks
2. Writing pens and pencils, coloured pens and pencils, pastels, felt tips, crayons
3. Folders, bookmarks, picture postcards
4. Rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, poetry handbooks
5. A writing bag or case for when you are out and about

Create A Writing Space At Home
6. A room where you can go and relax and think
7. A desk to keep all your writing tools
8. A drawer to put your poems in
9. A shelf to put all your favourite books on
10. An ideas wall: somewhere to pin up inspiring pictures and quotes 

Collect Ideas And Pictures for Poems

11. Keep an ideas notebook. Write down your ideas, observations, notes on books you like, bits of conversation. 
12. Keep a daily journal so you never stop writing. 
13. Keep a dream journal to capture those interesting flashes of dreams.
14. Use a dictaphone or use your mobile phone to record ideas.
15. Carry a camera to capture actions, people and locations.

Be Playful With Language:

16. Gather words and rhymes from every day objects, adverts, billboards.
17. Make lists of new slang words and everyday sayings in your ideas book.
18. Photocopy classic poems, cut them up, change them around and add your own words.
19. Google your favourite poets, collect useful quotes, learn how they write.
20. Collect song titles, clever rhymes and lyrics for your ideas books.

Use Your Imagination And Start Writing Poetry Now

21. As a writer you are allowed to write about things that never happened so go ahead and make things up.
22. Use real events in a poem and make it your own by changing what happened. 
23. Go to a gallery and buy some picture postcards. Describe the postcard in a poem.
24. Look for a line or phrase from your notebooks and journal to kick start a poem.
25. Write when you are full of feelings and strong emotions, happy, angry, sad it all makes powerful poetry.